My original copy of WD175 from July 1994
The other day I felt old. For the first time I felt old. I was in my favourite GW store (GW Barnet), talking and swapping painting tips and we got talking about how many years we’d all been in the hobby. A nice chap by the name of Anthony said he’s been in the hobby for 10 years… and that’s when it hit me. I’ve been in the hobby since White Dwarf 175 (July 1994). Next year that will be 20 years.
My recently purchased mint shrink-wrapped copy of 2nd edition.
It was 19 years ago to this day I got my first big box game. It was 2nd Edition Warhammer 40,000. I think the following year I got Necromunda for my birthday and the following year after that it Warhammer Quest. I loved getting big box games for my birthday. I think that’s why I love getting big box games nowadays because the new box smell reminds me of my childhood.
This is how I use to paint back in 1994 and 1995.
So yes, I’m 32 today. I have a day off work and my wife and I are heading into London to visit the Tower of London (I’ve never been – shock!) Maybe all those suits of armour will inspire me to start a Bretonnian Army?
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Thanks for all the birthday wishes everyone. I've had a fantastic weekend with friends and family. Even squeezed in some painting today.
I've only recently got back into Warhammer and same as you I got into this hobby in 1994. Though I painted the models I never played the game and eventually computer games took over my life and I lost interest.
I still have paints, models and White Dwarfs that I'd kept like 19 years ago.
It's good to see there's a big community for Warhammer.
Happy Birthday! Here's hoping GW release another big box game soon for you to enjoy!
Happy Birthday and yeah chill, I'm 36 man. It matters not 😉
I remember badly painting the original space marines and Eddie dread in schemes taken from Rogue trader, good times 🙂
Happy Birthday! My goblins (gretchin?) from the 2nd edition boxed set look about the same 😀
Happy Birthday! You're a mere stripling Garfy :-)…WD 91 my first and I still have my 1st Edition copy of Rogue Trader, plus badly painted 1st ed Space Marines and Rhinos ( 3 for £10 in those days) !! Ah nostalgia …..
Happy Birthday! I've got my 30th coming up soon and I'm starting to feel old already!
My first copy of WD was I think 222, its certainly the first I remember reading because of the Last Stand at Glazer's Creed, I got back in the hobby (well very part time) a year or so ago after a long hiatus.
I love this blog, I don't paint very often but this place has helped me feel like a pro with all the tutorials, its great to see what you guys are up to, but so useful to see how you do it!
Belated congratulations on the WD army BTW! its fantastic!
Happy Birthday dude! Pretty sure I have that issue too as it was about the same time I was drawn to the hobby.
Jeez I feel crazy old now, one of the first WD's i got was this:
That's still in double digits!!!
Happy birthday!
"Maybe all those suits of armour will inspire me to start a Bretonnian Army"
In NMM? Yes, that would be fun to watch…
Happy birthday, hope you have a good time today!
It's quite scary how fast the time flies past, I had to check my own stack of wd and my first was #229 😉
Happy Birthday!
The 2nd edition of Warhammer 40, 000 was the first thing I purchased for the hobby. I remember saving up money for a long time to get it. I remember being so excited!
I might have to look into buying another version of the 2nd edition… 🙂
LOL! Depending on how you define "the hobby", I'm pushing 30+ years – yikes!
Happy birthday!!!!
Ah, young whippersnappers!
I got into the hobby ca 1946, eh, make that 1983. WD 76, and I'm 44 years old. Yep, I've been at it for 30 years.
I actually had a girl at work ask me how long I had "played with toy soldiers" and I could honestly say "longer than you have lived". That shut her up.
They say it's never too late to grow up, so I think I'll wait a couple of more years. 🙂
Man, that issue would have been my second that I'd ever collected, only it eluded me! My first was 175, the Cover was Death Zone and its the same year I got into the hobby too. I've not always painted or gamed, but I've got every WD from 176 and always kept in touch with the hobby. So good that the last couple of years I'm firmly embedded into its goodness once more. I actually found a store birthday page in an old WD for Swansea, where I remember buying 2nd ed, Calgar, Ghazgkull and a nob biker. Hope your birthday goes well, I'll be 34 next year and it'll be my 20th year of hobbying too!
Issue 136…..My first. Every one remembers their first 😀
Happy B'day
Happy Birthday. I remember getting the Rogue Trader Book on my birthday in 1987…wish I still had some of the old models that I painted back then.
Happy birthday. Here's my present to you. I've been in the hobby since 1986. That's 27 years. I'm 39. Now, doesn't that make you feel better?