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Here they are, finally finished. I really like how they turned out! Notice how the juve doesn’t wear make up – this is only for the big girls. It took quite a while painting them – the models have a lot of very fine details and show lots of skin, which always needs special attention to get it right. Now, onto the next bunch. What do you think of them?
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Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
Good stuff. Gotta love Escher gangs. 🙂 Really good job on the make-up. That surely is one of the bits I enjoyed most about painting a bunch of Eschers years and years ago. Looking forward to seeing more!
Fantastic paint jobs Stahly. Well done mate.
I like the bright colors! And how the hell did you get pupils painted on them broads???
Hi J. D., in this tutorial I explain how I paint eyes:
It's still a bit difficult and often takes me multiple attempts to get it right 😉
i would say same kind of grey would work for the base too, but i realy dont know about the hair, the brown colored hair parts somehow break the overall crazy apperance of the model for me. i would go for the same colors yellow(blond)/purlpe on the hair too, but great work/style non the less 😉
Yeah I know what you mean, the blond/pink hairstyle is my favourite one, too. However I thought I'd better vary the hair colours so my gang doesn't look like an army of clones 😉
yes you are about that, but how about completly different color(s), red and blue would work as a triad with yellow and yellow-ornages and blue-greens with violet. these are just suggentions that i would find interessting due to having seen them on flickr resently. 😉
here if u want to check it out your self:
have fun 🙂
I think the Esher are probably the best minis GW has ever made for Necromunda. The paint job is really cool the contrast between the bright yellow and pink really does the trick. Personally I would have painted the rim of the bases black instead of brown, but this is a question of personal taste, I suppose.
Looking forward to seeing the rest of the bunch!