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Its not really a wip as its pretty much 99% finished, but I had to
call it that as I still need to finish the doors. The model itself is
darn heavy and was a complete nightmare to assemble. I know previously I
mentioned the FW Tomb Stalker and Storm Eagle are nasty ones to put
together but this thing was on another level. The tracks do not even
fit. You need to completely cut away parts to get the thing to attach
properly. Thats only the beginning. So my advice is if you purchase a
Spartan be prepared for a lot of grief.

the good news is the model is fantastic and was a joy to paint. Its
really models like these from FW that put a smile on my face before
painting. The detail is amazing.

On another note I am currently
putting together a FW Dark Eldar  Tantalus, and at that point I am going
to end as that model so far has to be the worst to assemble. Hopefully I
will get some photos up for that one.

Anyone else tried the FW Spartan? What did you think?