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Hi everyone! Aurélie is back with some Contemptor Dreadnoughts, including short tutorials for painting the Salamanders’ green and the Alpha Legion’s blue. Find out more after the jump!

Salamanders green:

1. Black Primer

2. Basecoat of Vulkan Green (Forge World paint)

3. Pre-Shading with Vallejo Air Silver, this undercoat will provide a shimmering glow for the glaze layers later

4. A glaze with Clear Green (Forge World paint)

5. More shadowing: first a 1:3 mix of Vallejo Air Silver and Black, then another layer of Clear Green

All applied with an airbrush.

Alpha Legion blue:

1. Black Primer

2. Basecoat of Vallejo Air Blue

3. Pre-Shading with silver, this undercoat will provide a shimmering glow for the glaze layers later

4. Several layers of my Light Blue and Clear mix (Light Blue from Vallejo mixed with with Clear Medium from Forge World)

5. More shading if necessary: a mix of Vallejo Air Silver, Blue and Black

6. Highlights with a mix of Vallejo Air White and Silver

Again, I used an airbrush for all the paint work.

For the bases I used the Concrete Rubble Mix from Gale Force 9. The metal plates were created from green stuff that I texturised with the “Rolling Pin Double Diamond” from Greenstuff World.

I hope you enjoy my Dreadnoughts and the tutorials that go with them. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment, contact me via  e-mail or follow me on FacebookFlickr and Instagram.

