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The first instalment of Garfy’s man cave was an introduction to where I paint and a second instalment  saw the man cave get a desk upgrade to utilise the space better. In this third instalment I increase my shelving capacity so I can have all my models on display. Read on for more details.


My chosen shelving is the Billy system from IKEA. You’re able to mix and match the kits to fit your needs and that’s exactly what I did. I bought two wide, one narrow and the extensions for the top. 

It took me around four hours in total to assemble everything including anchoring them to the wall. We don’t get many earthquakes in East London, but just to be on the safe side 😉

My little corner of paradise. A place I can go to escape the pressures of modern life. A place where I can listen to my music, watch my films, my TV shows and paint my models. Pure bliss.

Speaking of models… here they are on my new shelves. Check out the caption this thread on our Facebook page. 

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay