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Ever since I first saw this model go up on Forge World website I have been looking forward to painting him. The Forge World Death Guard have always been my favorite models and they are my army of choice to play. That’s when I ever have time, which unfortunately is quite rare, especially at the moment with work.I painted Typhon in a very dark palette which I’m also using on my army. I really wanted to give the whole piece a feeling of the effects chemical warfare that would take its toll on the armour. This model belongs to a customer. But I will purchase another for myself to use as Typhus. Personally I love the model. What do you think?
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so so good, exactly what i will be looking to do mine like
id have loved to see the eyes in a yellow or something a little more putrid (foreshadowing and a little more fitting I think) and maybe a tad more color on the armor. However, that's a minor crit on an otherwise fantastic paint job
Have to disagree with the eyes critique – this gives an intense focus to an otherwise dark model. Its the one clean in the dirt.
Love that wet look black sludge TEN. Whats that done with?
Love it. Very cool model too. How do you get that really realistic metal? Agree that the eyes don't look like your usual style. What colour are they?
I am not sure if i like the OSL around his Eyes. Despite that a great paintjob (as usual).
Love the model and really like what you did on it. Only CC I can think of is on the eyes, I personally think that they're a bit out of place, but hey that's just me. Great job!
Could you paint some Infinity miniatures next? [in your style]
Funny you ask that because I got asked to paint one of the starter sets a few weeks ago. I will give them a go, but will not being able to start them until early spring due to having to finish some other work first.
That's pretty cool looking. I'd love more color on it, but still an amazing, evocative piece.
That is the most realistic paintjob I've ever seen. Absolutely stunning.
bad…ass…and i don't even play 40k