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I have a been a very busy bee hosting my first two day tournament this past weekend. Sparkle Party Death Match 5 was a huge success with fun had by all. One of the things that I like to do at my events is have a small cash prize painting contest. Not everyone enters but there is always some very creative and stunning work. The category this time was a Battle Standard Bearer and with the extra time of the two day event I was able to take photos to share with you all. Theses contests are completely player/bystander judged and open to any who wish to participate even if you don’t play in the tournament. 

Above is the First Place winning entry by Nick Kendall with his Tzeentch Chaos Champion. Click through to see the rest. 

This incredibly gross but stunningly well done entry by Jon Pelosi took home Second Place. Check out all that freehand! 

This lovely Dark Elf Sorceress painted by Aidan Rogers was our third place winner. (Her staff is counted as “a very modest and practical standard”.)

I am sad to say that the inventive effect on this entry by Aaron Dona didn’t really get accurately captured by the camera. Aaron used printed silk to get the trailing ethereal effect of the main banner. It is so fine and delicate that it actually waves with air currents in the room. Super cool.

Amanda Zwar never holds back on her work. She included lots of conversion, freehand and even some OSL to bring us this entry. 

Michael Kamin just recently finished painting his very first army from The Empire and was happy to include his Captain in the mix.

This BSB by Josh Baughman is part of his “Players Choice – Best Painted” winning army.

Noah McGary submitted this fun Bruiser for his BSB. Talk about some Ogre Blades. 

I was so happy to not only see this Lord Mazdamundi in the contest but also being fielded in the tournament play. It takes a real man like Paul Willworth to field such a liability, bravo Paul, bravo!

Finally, we have this Beastman entry by Tom Weber. I can’t remember who the manufacture is but it is a very cool alternate sculpt and very well painted.

There you have it. A small and diverse contest 🙂 It is by far my favorite part of the event and look forward to seeing what my players bring next time.