Here is pretty much my all time favourite Tau kit from Forgeworld – the Tau Tetras.
Why in the world would these be my favourites? Well, first they are very downplayed. They look almost unarmed at all, more like almost a civilian vehicle. This struck a chord with me when they were released. In wargaming, especially so in 40k, very often the “small stuff” is ignored. Scouting vehicles and such. One could argue that in the battles a regular game of 40k scouting units don’t really have any role on the battlefield and I agree. Still, it’s nice to see these almost cute little hovercars.
So I was very glad to do these models as part of the army commission. Hope you like the outcome!
By the way, I recently also finished a Dystopian Wars fleet, you can see it here.
So if you’re into steampunky, grand scale naval combat definitely have a look. The 2.0 rules have just been released a few weeks ago.
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These are amazing. Incredible paint jobs!
Wonderful paint job on these, my favorite FW Tau models also. I love the OSL and your Dystopian fleet also looks amazing! 🙂
Thanks for the comments! 🙂 Assembly required a little bending and filing but that's Forgeworld for you. Had a lot of fun with those models.
Seriously cool models. Great paint and weathering too 🙂
Love the weathering on those tetras!
Nice job! I like the colors you used, and the "used" look on them. Also the small display in front of the crew looks good!