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Tzeentch is by far my favorite Chaos god both based on fluff and the creative possibilities. When the Greater Daemons are called Lords of Change it opens up the army to virtually any conversion you can think of. The Changeling however needs no converting in my eyes.

I painted him up for the Dimensional Cascade Podcast and had a lot of fun doing so. This time if Malagor turns into a Mountain Chimera I will be ready!

So, I tried several very different techniques on this model that I haven’t used before. After I primed it black I gave the whole model a coat of gray to give a value boost to the thin airbrush paints. Then using the airbrush I did the rainbow hue blends in a fraction of the time it would take by brush. The blending looked amazing but there was very little contrast in highlight and shadow.

So instead of trying to match lighter values or mix each hue to highlight sections of the cloth I tried just using very thin layers of white to glaze over the edges and high points. It worked nicely but I do think I need a bit more practice with that technique. I am so used to using three or four pots of paint to do my highlighting and this was less forgiving.

Be sure to subscribe to the Dimensional Cascade Podcast and listen to see if The Changeling can finally best the dirty goat faced Malagor. Come on goat boy, I dare you to turn use Transformation of Kadon this time!