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It’s Warhammer Fest today and I’m going up tomorrow (Sunday) with Stahly. Check out our Facebook page for updates of our adventure. Now back to the armies on parade entry… To add some character to the board I’ve got out my trusty pencil to sketch out some more ideas. After the jump you can see these ideas develop.

I’m quite happy with the solution for the head and jawbridge. The head and two large teeth will be mounted to a frame and the eyes will be separate pieces glued on to the head.

In typical Orc style, practicality must prevail. A simple A-frame with a basic ladder creates a solid structure which doesn’t interfere with where the archers will stand. It also creates a platform I wanted for my Shaman to launch spells from.

With the head cut out, it just leaves the jawbridge to turn into planks.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay