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Hello all. I’ve made quite a bit of headway with the Dark Angel Standard Bearer.
While I’ve highlighted the backpack and arm and basecoated the chainsword blade cover ready for a freehand checked pattern. It’s the banner itself that I’ve been spending most the time on. Just general shade and highlights there and the scroll and oath papers.
More to come soon.
The Wight Jester
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Wow- that banner is just amazing! I envy those who can freehand- I lack the talent- I can paint the models to a decent standard but when it comes to freehanding I am just lost. I dare say practice would aid a lot but with half of GW stock waiting to be painted I haven't the time to spend in that department -not for the time being at least. Again excellent work, maybe one day I'll be able to reproduce something respectable… know what I am going to try -start with a simpler design and practice on plasticard- see you have inspired me! lol thanks 🙂
I really like your Dark Angel! I never got say,"Hello and welcome to T.O.P.!" I'm going to start up a small group as well as some of the boxed like Death Storm and Shield of Baal. I think those are great options if you just want to paint and have a little fun with it.
Back to the Standard Bearer. Do you compose the layout before painting? How often do you do that with painting?
Hi Steven. I do a few sketches on paper or photoshop using my tablet prior to getting to work on any freehand work. When I'm happy with the design I mark out the design on the surface lightly with a propelling pencil with 2B lead as it shows up on dark and light surfaces and is soft enough that it doesn't damage the paint. Depending on the design and style I sometimes mark in the line work with a paint/ink mix on a fine brush but, more often than not, I get straight on to base colours. Rendering those up individually before adding general highlight and shade to the whole thing.