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That’s right, no WIP shots here because this Skaven Warlord only took an hour to paint! I was inspired by ThirdEyeNuke’s impressive Necron Lord which he painted in 45minutes and thought I’d see what I could get done in a similar time. More after the jump.
To complete this miniature in an hour I had to plan ahead. I quickly decided on a green and purple colour scheme and lined up all my paints on my work station in front of me and then set the timer on my phone.
I used drybrushing to get a lot of the base colours on quickly and I used a dry brush to apply some quick highlights. Then I washed the whole model with Agrax Earthshade and Nuln Oil.
I used blood, oxidisation and typhus corrosion to add some effects to add interest.
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
You know, every time I see this sculpt I tell myself I don't like it. Looks a bit chunky to me, but I really like it with this paint job. Maybe the darker colors streamline him a little, but this is the first image of the warlord that sells it to me. Fantastic job and definitely something for those of us just getting into the hobby to aspire to match.
OK, you've just destroyed my argument about "I have no time to paint"!
This is great work and incredible speed for such detail. I'm especially fond of the banner and the brazier.
I think with the right amount of planning and taking advantage of certain techniques, this turned out to be a very positive look on what you can do. Kudos to T.E.N and Garfy !
I wouldn't say Angie is a troll. She's just misunderstood the post. I can see how it could be interpreted as showing off, but it wasn't intended.
Re-reading Angie's post it sounds clearly like trolling/ranting to say the least. In the most ridiculous way. I agree with what Andrew wrote that something positive will bring the troll, ahem!! Khorne Beserker out of a very small amount of people. Face palm 🙂
Oh and I'm being totally honest. It took me an hour. Genuine, hand on heart only 1 hour. Used my iPhone as a timer. I was painting over wet paint and everything.
Pissed off to be called dishonest tbh, but you can't please them all.
Alas, with the success of the blog you all are going to bring the trolls. I wouldn't take it personally.
I quite liked both posts about speed painting. They add diversity to the blod and it's interesting to see what folks can produce in such short time.
I apologise to ThirdEyeNuke if he or anyone else perceives this post to be point scoring.
I can honestly say that was not my intention. ThirdEyeNuke is my colleague here on Tale of Painters and I love his work. I said a lot of positive things in the comments of his Necron Lord post.
I haven't said anything detrimental about his work. I have a lot of respect for ThirdEyeNuke studios and it was there Necron Lord that inspired me to have a go at it myself. Surely that is a huge compliment to them.
Plus there is no hours of photoshopping. It's done all in camera.
Once again, apologies to anyone I've offended.
Angie must be a troglodyte. This is great work, and if she thinks you're being disingenuous, she can piss off.
Well, this is one way to make me feel even more sad for spending over 50 hours painting a 5-man GK box – spend 1 hour on a miniature and have it look way better!
Seriously though, awesome job.
Angie, I think Garfy is being honest in what he did, thanks for trying to protect me but it sounds awfully wrong. The whole point of my post was I didn't care how it turned out. Every guy at my game store has a awful looking army and I did not want to stand out and look like a dick. So I painted the model to fit in, whether it was crap or crapper. That's just the way I am. If I paint for others I care, for myself I don't. I have zero time and that's the best I could do for what I have.
I think with this post is a slightly dishonest. Looks like you took whatever time to do this no rush but still rubbish, plus all the hours of photoshopping. The 3rdeyeguy seems quite honest in that he wants to build a non competitive looking army due to time/other players armies and just trying to not stand out. This post looks like you are trying to hyper show off against him!! Yes, your model is better. Congratulations, but at least 3rdEye was truthful and not showing off with what he did.
Liked this mini when I first saw it on Facebook the fact it took only an hour makes this pretty fantastic.
that brazier looks stunning, and it's speed painted to boot? That's awesome
For just an hour that is stunning and shows just how much better OSL can be achieved quickly and more effectively than with an airbrush squirt.