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Hey guys, today I can present you the finished Sanguinary Priest, a kitbash I made by combining Death Company, Blood Angels Tactical Squad, and Command Squad bits. It was a lovely model to paint, and I enjoyed it quite a lot. Check out more pictures after the jump.
The pale cream armour was basecoated with Pallid Wych Flesh, then I painted P3 Hammerfall Khaki in the recesses for shading (Karak Stone should be similar). For the highlights, I mixed Pallid Wych Flesh with white for the first step, and used pure white for the final highlight. Everything else follows my Blood Angels tutorial.
How do you like my kitbashed Sanguinary Priest? Tell me in the comments!
Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
Man … that is such a clean paintjob, I feel dirty just by looking at it. Thanks for sharing anyway! 😀
I tried my hand at this scheme on a SoB last night. The Pallid Witch Flesh/Karak Stone is an easy combination, although my hand isn't nearly as steady as yours.
Lovely work man!!! Just WOW!!! That pink is a good idea. Cool home made model!
I love the pops of color that make sure that the white of the armor doesn't wash itself out.
Just a beautiful paint job! You aught to be proud of that one!
Just a beautiful paint job! You aught to be proud of that one!
Love the Pepto-pink details!
The final product looks amazing and super clean, as usual!
For my own part, I usually try to go a nice dark red, similar to the Khorne Wagon's blood in the 4 cylinders, for the blood/gems on BA models. I try to use a nice burgundy for transitioning from black-ish to red-ish with a little Bloody Red to the HL areas, plus the white reflection dot and gloss varnish.
Also, the pink really stands out too much, in my opinion, on the white/off-white armor; I also find my eyes focus/zoom on only the pink details while going over the model. Would going back over with a red glaze help to tone down those areas?
Again, excellent paint job, just nit-picking 😉
Looking great!
That is a lovely colour, makes a nice alternative to the bluey based off whites I've been using.
I love this mini so much, absolutely perfect component selection and posing. He looks great now he's finished! That bone-white armour is stunning.
I'll have to try out that hammerfall khaki tip, I'm going to order a pot of that – I've wanted to make a Star Phantoms kill team for a while, but I'd never quite found a satisfactory armour recipe.
It's great. Very clean & smooth. I like the splashes of purple in the cords, vials & seals. It's a nice pop of color, but it doesn't distract from the pale armor.