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Hey all, today I thought I show my take on the Adeptus Mechanicus Onager Dunecrawler.
I don’t know if it’s just me but I found the model quite fiddly to paint and it took a lot longer to complete than most other models of this scale.But other than that I quite enjoyed painting it, but wouldn’t be so happy if I had to paint say three of them or more. So next up I should be showing the Plasma Obliterator that I finished a few days ago. What do you think? Are any of you working on the new Adeptus Mechanicus models?
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What colurs do you use to get that stunning red hull.
The vallejos i have tryed just makes it look orange .
Cheers mate!
Very nice work. I like the darkness you have put into the red on the hull.
Just gorgeous!
Hey cheers Jugger 🙂
Looks fantastic. I like how you've got it climbing over the rocky terrain – did you find the legs were in any way pose-able, or were they like the Imperial knight kit – a set pose that you'd need to do some conversion work on to repose?
Hey David, yes you can pose the legs in whatever way you want them. The model is quite flexible in the way you can position it.