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Hey all, today I bring the final version of the Emperors Children Phoenix Terminators that I have been working on.
They ended up taking a bit longer than I initially expected but I think the work paid off. For the purple colour I used Comm Art opaque purple and Comm Art trans purple. Comm art paints tend to be very bright and I think they work well with this type of colour scheme. The gold was painted using Vallejo liquid old gold. The models themselves are very delicate, on more than one occasion I did break the ends of the halberds. But they are fairly easy to repair. What do you guys think?
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ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
These models look sexy. Did you use oil paints to dirty the metal?
Very nice!
They came out great!
I think they are very nicely done. I like the balance between purple and gold.
Awesome as usual.
I always enjoy your take on these different subjects. My only criticism is I really don't like the standard base colors on these guys I would like to see something a bit more colorful to provide some contrast for the purple, just some small spots of vivid colors on the base in the cracks or on grass clumps.