Hey there, I made some progress on my Hornet. As you can see, I added a highlight to the hull and I think the model starts to look pretty cool, doesn’t it? The canopy needs some more brush work, but you can see how the magenta gradient makes a nice contrast to the turquoise. I like to paint over Eldar canopies as opposed to leave them clear, as I feel they are a great way to add a spot colour to a vehicle. Also I need to paint the weapons and add some transfers. Regular readers know how much I love transfers, they save a lot of time and look great with the help of Microset. For this reason, I experimented with custom printed transfers. I designed a couple of black geometric runic designs to go on the front “wings”. Let’s see how this turns out 😉 What do you think so far?
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This army actually makes my shiver with delight. It's ecstatic.
m/ ^.^ m/
I look forward to seeing how you custom decals work. How did you create them BTW?
The model looks so clean and sharp…yet has lovely highlights and gradients. I need to practice way more….
Hi Stahly!
The model looks awesome…it actually makes me thinking about buying an airbrush:-).
Quick question about the transfers – what do you mean by "Microset"? Is it some special liquid? Sorry if the question is silly, I am quite knew to this nice hobby…and transfers are something I am afraid of.
Could you post a link for the exact product you use for your works?
Thanks a lot!!!
Hi Tomas, check out this tutorial: http://taleofpainters.blogspot.de/2011/12/tutorial-painted-on-looking-decals.html
Hi ,
A big fan of this blog . I always wondered … how do you keep the spaces /cracks /segments between the armor black ? do you tape it before airbrushing ….. i saw some products special liquid to cover areas from paint when airbrushing … i want to start airbrushing so any tips are welcome .
Hi Michal, it's even simpler. I just take a small brush after I did the airbrushing and paint the Stegadon Scale Green directly into the recesses. Cheers.