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Hey all, today I thought I’d show some Emperor’s Children legion Phoenix Terminators that I have just started working on. So far I am just working on the main base colour for purple.
I used a black undercoat followed by a zenethal spray of white from above. I then airbrushed Iwata Com Art Opaque Violet as a base coat and once this dried thoroughly I reapplied a zenethal spray of white on areas I wanted to give definition. After this I applied Com Art Transparent Violet. I used this process to build up a colour and tone that I was happy with. Com Art airbrush paints are really good for bright colours, something that I normally stay away from but thought would suit these models. What do you think so far?
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Long time since this was posted, but I am hoping you'll see this question. Could you do a metallic zenithal for this colour scheme and come close to the FW Thousand Sons style of a candy? Tamiya doesn't do a purple/violet clear unfortunately. Thanks!
Very cool. Would love to see more pics of your process!
Oh nice job so far! I can't wait to see how your style works out with the legion of foppish dandies 😛