It’s hammer time! These grim warriors are complete. Man the defences and prepare to be invaded by more pictures once you’ve jumped the parapet.
It’s no secret, I love painting Hobbit models. The smaller scale made for a nice change to all the big 40k plastic kits I’ve been painting recently. I also like the more subdued natural colours of the range as opposed to my usually bright painting style. In my previous post I asked if you guys would like more Hobbit painting tutorials and I suggested the Trolls, some of you suggested Azog. I think this is a great suggestion and I hope to be able to paint this model soon.
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All the Tutorials you have done until now are so good. Every Miniature i have painted with your tutorials are looking perfect. Please make more tutorials for Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. I would be very happy if you could make one for the trolls from the Hobbit.
Those models look amazing! I also love how you have done your wargs too. Any chance of a tutorial for those? 😛
These are *gorgeous*. I have to crack on and get my own grimhammers painted after seeing these.
Did you prefer the way the models look without the white stripe on the bit of cloth hanging in the front?
Another brilliant tutorial – thank you very much!
I can't get anything past you guys can I lol 😉
In all honesty I forgot to paint the white stripe… Oops!
To be honest – I think I prefer them without the ostentatious white stripe! They are meant to be grim…they are not flashy elves hehe!
Yep, keep em coming, love the Hobbit models too!
I like the wargs, would you do a tutorial on them? As I like to produce a similar look for mine.
^ Agreed, they look awesome 😀