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Hey all, hope all is well. Today is going to be a super quick one with the new Eldar Harlequin Solitaire. I picked him up a few weeks ago on release.
I would like to have also picked up the new Harlequins but have not had the chance, but probably will do so at some point. Out of the recent Harlequin releases I like the Solitaire model the most. The model has a lot of grace and movement to it, which is nice as the Harlequin are known for agility and speed. On another note I’m getting pretty excited for the release of the new Chaos models this weekend. What do you guys think? Are any of you picking up the new Chaos Bloodthirster?
ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Lovely job! particularily like how the 'kiss' and the 'holofield worked out. My fiancé just picked up the new sets for me yesterday. Can't wait to get started on them. 101 other things to get done first though :'(
Wow! i didn't think your style would work so well with the harlies o_O Well done!
Hey cheers Zab, I enjoyed painting this model as it was a change from the normal stuff I do.
On another note, was just looking at your site and really like the work you do. I'm going to have another look later tonight once I get some free time. Cool stuff.
Thanks! I'll get around to the new harlies too. I may go super bright with the RT era Motely. Although all that freehand O_o it scares me.