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Hey guys, in the final part of my Alpha Legion posts I thought I’d show the troops choices.
The models are all made up from a variety of the plastic Calth models and Forge World Alpha Legion bodies, heads and shoulders pads. Also Armillus Dynat is in the group as a HQ choice. The models have all been painted in the same colour scheme as my previous posts with Forge World transfers added on. Next up I will start to show a WW2 German Tau winter schemed army that I have just started working on.
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ThirdEyeNuke is no longer an active contributor to Tale of Painters. However, you can still browse his archived posts by clicking on this banner.
Stunning work. Can you do a tutorial please as I would love to replicate these for my own army.
Hey cheers guys.
Love the colour scheme. Looking forward to Winter Tau too.
The color scheme seems even better on troops. I especially like the Dynat, well done.
WW2 German Winter Themed Tau? Do their fusion blasters freeze up in the same way the Germans hands stuck to their rifles in the Winter Offensive? That would solve many problems! Great work as normal looking forward to seeing this.
As with the other models, they look fantastic. Look forward to see the Tau. Toby