Showcase: Alpha Legion Legionary Heavy Gunner with Heavy Bolter
Here comes the next model for my Alpha Legion Legionary Kill Team: a Heavy Gunner with a Heavy Bolter. I painted this model some time ago but was never quite satisfied with it. You’ll find out why in this showcase post.
Tutorial: How to paint purple Chaos Possessed flesh
I got a lot of comments regarding the daemonic pallid flesh of my Alpha Legion Anointed, so here is a short tutorial for painting purple Chaos Possessed flesh. Perfect for Possessed, but also Daemonettes, Daemon Princes, Pink Horrors, you name it. Find out more in this post.
Showcase: Alpha Legion Anointed
I haven’t posted a model in quite a while, but be assured, I haven’t been idle. Here is another model from my slow-growing Alpha Legion Chaos Legionary Kill Team from Kill Team: Nachmund, the half-possessed Anointed. Find out more in this post.
Showcase: Alpha Legion Deimos Rhino
Rhinos are my favourite vehicles, just about beating the older Sentinel model. In this post I’ll show my two Alpha Legion Deimos pattern Rhinos for my grower Horus Heresy force.
Showcase: Alpha Legion Vigilator
Hi Everyone, Tom here with m first article for 2023! While this mostly painted in 2022, I wanted to show my Alpha Legion Vigilator model from Forgeworld that I use in my Horus Heresy games.
Showcase: Age of Darkness Alpha Legion Marine
It has taken me a couple of months, but I have finally caved and bought the Age of Darkness box set. This article is about my first MkVI marine from that box, painted in the Alpha Legion colours. Want to see an unusual take on the Alpha Legion? Read on!
Tutorial: How to paint Alpha Legion armour (Heresy era)
Painting Horus Heresy era Alpha Legion without Contrast paints or airbrushing Tamiya Clear paints? In this tutorial I’ll show you an alternative way to paint the metallic bluegreen armour of the Alpha Legion during the Horus Heresy era which is both fast and easy to achieve.
Showcase: Alpha Legion Chaos Space Marine Legionary
As the Chaos Space Marine Legionaries from Kill Team: Nachmund will be released separately this week, I thought this would be the perfect occasion to get going with my Alpha Legion Kill Team. Here comes the first test model, a Legionary gunner, armed with a plasma gun, and painted with a metallic green-blue paint scheme inspired by their Heresy era appearance.