This feels good. Finishing this model has been such a long time coming! I’m not a fan of half finished projects and the longer I leave it the harder it is to come back to it. I’m really happy with myself for pulling my finger out and finishing this model .
With three of the command models complete from the Primaris Marines in the Dark Imperium boxset I think I should paint the bare-headed Lieutenant next just so the whole command is complete.
I used my own Ultramarine tutorial as a guide for this model. All the icons are freehand, here’s a handy guide for painting freehand ‘U’s. I’m kinda hyped to work on some more Ultramarines now.
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Not the anom that's previously posted on here.
I am not a gamer but take pleasure in assembling and painting various models.
I think this is a cracking site and the tutorials and reviews are excellent long may they continue.
Unfortunately there are those around who like visiting the five fingered widow while fishing for bites on various sites.
Merry XMas and I look forward to more reviews/tutorials in 2018.
Garfy they look great 🙂
But have to agree with Solun, the tip of the left toe bit looks rushed :)Maybe you could concentrate on that bit.
This is just silly. The models look great. But do think a Sistine Chapel detailed highly that will take months to paint would look amazing on the back of that flag. Quit your job and do it 🙂
Overall good, but I see a few spots where the highlights look rushed/slopped on (left side of the backpack, right toe)
Really get a grip
I'm surprised the original anon poster has time to slag people off on the internet while he is painting 10 micron lines to complete the back of his banner with an illustrious Sistine chapel ceiling replica. The intricate level of detail no one else will see because they look at the front of a banner is absolutely incredible. Deep breaths, and to the anon a very merry f*&k you this holiday season.
The irony of you slagging me off, as anonymous, whilst I just provided some deserved critique. It's a hobby blog with enabled comments, so Garfy or any author agrees to receive them by posting his works. I respect if he chooses or has chosen to ignore mine, but I'm sure that being cocky, rude or making it personal isn't welcomed in any community.
– Original Anon Poster
Original Anon, if you dislike everything we do and feel the need to point that out (without offering a constructive option in return) why do you even bother visiting here?
Oh and while we do have comments enabled, and you can invoke your right to post sensational, attention, grabbing comments, it doesn't mean we like it. If you weren't hiding behind your anonymity, you would be banned.
That's the thing, you do like it here. You've come back to see if anyone has taken the bait and replied angrily to your post. That's why you posted it. You want our attention. You come back again and again checking the comments waiting for a reply from one of us. "Notice me Senpai"!
In the stage show that is this blog, you want to be a part of it, but you know you'll never get a part because you're not good enough, so all you can do is heckle. You think that makes you a part of it. You're desperate to be included and be noticed aren't you?
If you wanted to be noticed and have engagement with us then all you had to do was add us on Facebook or join our sister facebook group PYGS (paint your games support), you can be a part of the community without resorting to playing games with scything comments.
And I know what your reply is, you'll think we're all over sensitive types that can't take a bit of banter and can't take critique, but you're wrong. I like banter and critique, I don't like arseholes. You're not an arsehole are you?
well said Garfy
Banner kind of deserved more effort, especially the back of it.
Lovely paint jobs. How are you finding the primaris in general? Ive been liking many of the new models (been wanting true scale marines for years) but been quite put off by the new lore.
I must admit I've only got my background info from the BRB and White Dwarf. I can't keep buying the codices at the speed they bring them out. They're great, but a lot of it's just reworked and I don't game so there isn't much for me once I've red the book.
But I do love the Primaris models. Im just annoyed my Space Wolf army I started before Primaris came out feels obsolete. I don't like the idea of mixing the the new with the old in the same vein I wouldn't mix 2nd edition plastic marines with the the MK7 marines. It's just me, but because of that I'm not painting anymore Space Wolves for the time being.