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Hey guys! Lecoqadoodledo here with a Skaven Warlord I painted up in late March. It’s always been one of my favourite sculpts in the fantasy range, and my goal with this miniature was to try and achieve an ‘Eavy Metal style paint job.

As I wanted this rat to be from Clan Verminus, the colour palette was inspired by the colours seen on Queek Headtaker. I kept the red for the armour, but switched the prominence of the blue and bone, so that the bone was more supplementary. I really enjoyed playing around with minimal/subtle weathering on the metals and fabric. Hopefully one day Clan Verminus gets new miniatures because I would love to apply this scheme to others.

Overall, I’m very happy with the end result, but there’s plenty I learnt from this model that I can improve and refine. If anything, it’s made me excited for future projects! Hope you guys like it, and I’ll see you next time!