Lecoqadoodledo back again with a second Blood Angel. A slightly different flavour though, as this is the limited Legion Tribune that was available a while back in Games Workshop stores. I originally hadn’t planned to do it as a Blood Angel, until I overheard a customer in the store say the model would look silly in red. Challenge Accepted.
Very minor kitbashing was required to give it a unique BA look, the bare head and Iron Halo both being from the Blood Angel Terminator kit. I’m incredibly happy with how it ended up, everything about the scheme just worked out so well. It was my first attempt at a lightning effect for the power weapon, and I aimed to replicate what’s seen on Sanguinary Guard weapons. I learned a lot with this model, and look forward to refining the techniques on future projects.
Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you guys next time!
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Awesome model mate! what colours did you use for your red and was it layering for the blending? The sword looks ace! I've done NMM but have't tried this style yet. Will be looking forward to giving it a shot soon =)
Thanks Juinn! The colours for the red were Khorne Red base, glazed layer of Evil Sunz Scarlet, edge highlight Wild Rider Red, and a final highlight of 1:1 Wild Rider/White Scar.
Beautiful model but the white background doesn't do it justice. It kinda washed out the contrast and details.
Is it possible to take another picture of the model with a darker background?
***شرکت نوين گيت***
با سالها سابقه در طراحي ،اجرا و خدمات سيستمهاي درب اتوماتيک و راهبند
فروش،نصب و راه اندازي و خدمات انواع درب اتوماتيک (درب سکشنال – کرکره اتوماتيک – کرکره پنجره – درب ريلي اتوماتيک – جک پارکينگي – کرکره شفاف – رول گيتر – انواع راهبند و درب اتوماتيک شيشه اي… )
خدمات 24 ساعته و شبانه روزي حتي در تعطيلات رسمي
مشاوره رايگان در تمامي مراحل
I've always hated that model, never seen a version that redeemed it in my eyes… until now! He looks awesome, the blending on the armour is gorgeous and that blade is brilliant – excellent work.
Thanks man, that's probably the best kind of compliment I can get for my work.
This Blade is amazing! Can you tell me, how you paint that?
Thank you, unfortunately I forgot to keep notes when I painted the blade, but as far as I remember I based it with a 1:1 mix of Abaddon Black and Kantor Blue, and then worked the lightning up through Kantor Blue, Teclis Blue, Lothern Blue and finished by adding White Scar to the Lothern in certain areas. Hope that helps!
Amazing paint job. Well done. I really like it.
Thank you!