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Hello everyone, AurelĂ­e back with another tutorial, just in time for Christmas. Find out how to make ice bases with clear resin. For some Space Wolves miniatures, I wanted to create a transparent base that just looks like a snow-covered glacier.

What you need:

1. Protections: nitrile disposable gloves, face mask, eye protection (for the resin)

2. Flat stones from “Gale Force 9” rubble Mix, alternatively cork or polystyrol/styrodur

3. Silicone rubber from “Troll Factory”, a plastic container

4. Clear Resin from “Rast Deranauo” (consists of two components, 90g and 300g – ratio is 3:1, doesn’t smell much, but it’s hazardous so please use a face mask nevertheless)

5. Snow paste from german brand “NOCH”

First I covered the base with cork, stones and styrodur. For a lower profile I would use stones only. Then I sealed the base with a thin layer of glue. Next I created a chamber and put the base inside.

The mixing ratio for the silicone is 1:1. I filled it slowly into the chamber to prevent bubbles. After about 3 hours the silicone should be hardened. Carefully I removed the silicone mold from the chamber.

Then I prepared the clear resin (don’t forget to protect your body). I filled both components into separate cups, and added a little bit of Vallejo Air Ice Blue. Then I slowly mixed both components, taking my time to prevent bubbles.

The resin hardens very quickly. Once completely solid, I decorated the base with snow paste from NOCH.

I hope you enjoyed my tutorial. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via the comment section, e-mail or facebook.



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