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Hi guys! I’m really happy to show you today my finished Mighty Zug for my Blood Bowl team! I was fortunate to pick this guy up at the Warhammer World New Year’s Open Day, he was a blast to paint, he’s a fantastic miniature!

I really love the character in this model, I love the pose and the details on the model. I particularly like painting skin, and this model was really fun to pick out all of the skin detail. I painted the skin Cadian Fleshtone, shaded Reikland Fleshshade mixed with Lahmian Medium, and then rehighlighted Cadian Fleshtone and Kislev Flesh and applied a final highlight of Flayed One Flesh. I then applied some glazes of Carroburg Crimson in deep recesses and around the face.

Overall, this was a really fun miniature to paint. I’m looking forward to using him in a game!