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The servants of Tzeentch have been busy scheming and preparing for their mercurial master to take over the Mortal Realms! I’m no exception, and today I’m sharing the converted Blasted Standard Bearer I’ve been working on.

The miniature is converted from a Chaos Lord with a headswap from the Forsaken kit. The icon is from the resin Blasted Standards kit. I’m really happy with the symmetry between the icon and the halo of fire around his helmet.

This guy was a real joy to paint – particularly the blending on his cloak and the object light sourcing around his head.

In game terms, Exalted Standard Bearers suck, but I think it would be fun to come up with some rules that really represent the power of The Blasted Standard of old. Maybe something to put him on par with a Knight Vexillor.

Let me know what you think in the comments. You can see more of my work on my Instagram.

Until next time, foolish mortals!