Today, we delve into the depths of the Inner Circle as we review the newest additions to the Dark Angels range: the enigmatic Inner Circle Companions, the formidable Deathwing Knights, and the venerable Asmodai, Master of Repentance. Join me as I explore the intricacies of the new kits and all their build options.

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Dark Angels Inner Knight Companions, Deathwing Knights, and Asmodai unboxing and review
These items were kindly provided by Games Workshop. Thoughts and opinions are our own.

The new Dark Angels wave, which also included the Codex expansion, Belial, the new upgrade set, and a new Combat Patrol, can be preordered from Saturday, February 24, 2024. It goes on sale two weeks later, following a two-week preorder window.

Inner Circle Companions review

The Inner Circle Companions are a mysterious new unit of the Dark Angels that appeared shortly after the Lion’s emergence. In the game, these bodyguards serve as “elite of the elite” close combatants similar to Bladeguard Veterans. The box contains three small sprues, allowing you to build 3 models on 40mm bases, along with the new Dark Angels transfer sheet. Similar to the Bladeguard, you can construct three different bodies that can be personalized with various weapons and details:

  • Companion Number 1 can be built either with the Calibanite greatsword in the right hand and censer in the left, or as an alternative pose with a two-handed greatsword. There’s also the option of a hooded helmet or hooded bare head, as well as a censer with or without sculpted smoke for the backpack.
  • Companion 2 also has two poses; he can either carry a standard in the left and a heavy bolt pistol in the right, or wield a downward-facing greatsword in a two-handed grip. Here too, you have the choice between a hooded helmet and bare head, as well as an incense icon with or without modeled smoke.
  • Companion 3 has two slightly different poses: either holding the two-hander aloft or at chest height. Again, both a helmeted and un-helmeted head are included, both with hoods, as well as an censer icon with and without smoke for the backpack.

Although the instructions do not specify this, you can freely exchange heads, shoulder pads, and back icons for more variety (with thecensers without modeled smoke being identical). The shoulder joints are smooth, so it may be possible to experiment with different arm combinations. Nevertheless, I would have liked a few more bits, especially more heads, although some suitable ones can also be found in the new Dark Angels Upgrade sprue.

Dark Angels Deathwing Knights review

The new Deathwing Knights feature updated, modernized proportions, aligning with the size of the plastic Terminators introduced with Leviathan (you can find a detailed scale comparison here). The kit includes three medium-sized sprues with 5 Knights on 40mm bases, as well as a Watcher in the Dark and a Teleport Homer on 25mm bases, along with the new Dark Angels transfer sheet.

Dark Angels Deathwing Knights 2024 sprues 1 and 2

The 5 Deathwing Knights can be armed with either power weapons or maces of absolution alongside their shields. Additionally, the Master can wield either a great weapon of the Unforgiven or a relic weapon (meaning a particularly large mace or sword). Other weapon options from the old kit are missing. According to the instructions, only the heads are freely interchangeable, but the shoulder pads, shields, and tilt shields can also be swapped. Each pair of arms is designed for a specific body, but the shoulder joints are smooth, allowing for some experimentation to find different poses.

Dark Angels Deathwing Knights 2024 sprue 3

Here is what you can build:

  • Model 1 can be assembled as a Knight or as a Knight Master. The regular model can receive either a power weapon or a mace. For the Master, there’s an extra helmet, bare head, and hooded bare head included, an extra torso front piece, two sculpted tilt shields, an extra storm shield, an extra right arm with relic weapon or great weapon, two extra shoulder pads, two extra sculpted hip plates, and an extra leg armour for the right leg with an extended Crux Terminatus.
  • Models 2 to 5 can also receive power weapons or maces but don’t have other optional pieces. In total, (in addition to the 3 heads for the Master) there are 5 helmeted heads, 2 bare heads, and 5 hooded heads included, all of which are freely interchangeable.

Asmodai, Master of Repentance

Asmodai comes in a small box with a small sprue and a 50mm base, unfortunately without decals. The model offers two head options, one with a pulled-over hood and one with a without the smoke the model appears somewhat small for the 50mm base. Nevertheless, I welcome alternative build options for special character. With the smoke, the model is pretty much a mini-diorama, an absolutely spectacular reimagining of this classic Interrogator-Chaplain.

Dark Angels Asmodai, Master of Repentance, sprue review


The Deathwing Knights are slightly more than the new Terminator squad with an RRP of £42.50 / 55 € / $70, while the Inner Circle Companions are the same as Bladeguard Veterans with an RRP of £35 / 45 € / $60. Asmodai has an RRP of £26 / 34 € / $42, in line with most Primaris characters these days.

You can find the latest GW releases at our 🇬🇧/🇪🇺 partner stores Wayland GamesElement Games, and Firestorm Games, at 🇩🇪 Taschengelddieb and PK-Pro, and at 🇺🇸 Noble Knight Games with a welcome discount of up to 20% over RRP. Using our links helps to support Tale of Painters at no additional cost to you, so thank you very much for using them!

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Deathwing Knights
Inner Circle Companions
Asmodai, Master of Repentance

Final Verdict

Dark Angels collectors can look forward to a wave of spectacular new models, all of which are excellently designed and successful reimaginings of classic models. The only thing that stings is that the Inner Circle Companions were not included in the combo box with Lion El'Johnson instead of the generic Bladeguard. They are clearly designed as his bodyguards, and it seems that GW deliberately held them back for this release to double-cash Dark Angels players.