I’ve finished the Nurgle hero for my Chaos undivided army, the Lord of Plagues. This is a fantastic miniature, it’s always been one of my favourites and I loved painting it!
As I mentioned in my previous post showcasing my Plaguebearers, I have decided to create a fun army to go with my Archaon Everchosen I painted last year. I am painting Khorne, Tzeentch and Nurgle parts of the army. This is the Nurgle hero for the army. I chose this model because I think it is iconic, and one of the best looking miniatures Games Workshop has produced. It is one of my favourites and I’ve always wanted to paint it someday. I really enjoyed painting it, and I’m really glad with how he looks.
I have been having great fun painting Nurgle, I think they really appeal to some of my favourite painting techniques. I’ve got a unit of Putrid Blightkings to paint next, but I think after I’ve completed this little army I may flesh out the Nurgle half more as I’ve really liked painting them!
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Hi there ! Lovely work.
What colours did you use for the guts?
Looks great! Your focal points of the stomach and axe head are impressive and have great color choices. One of the best models in GW's catalog in my opinion.
Nice overall – I feel like the armour highlights are a tad clumsy compared to what I normally see from you – perhaps a 'nurgle' thing 🙂
Well what do you expect, she is a Games Workshop dream girl. No experience in painting ,gets painting tutorials from from GW on how to do stuff as a novice. Gets featured non stop in White Dwarf because of this, its how GW works teaching people how to work. I like Amys work. However its void of any personality or personal found invented skill. Thats the down side. Its basically GW saying look at what we taught you. You can do this to.
Papa Nurgle approves 🙂
Very cool and icky. With rumours on the community website of a many legged thing that looks decidedly nurgle you may find a host of new models to paint up after the 40k Death Guard release that we've seen videos for. Of cause if you expand the daemon quota for AOS you have models that could well be used in 40k should the Death guard tickle your fancy.
I think this is the best model you've ever painted Amy. Really demonstrates skill and attention to detail. Good job.