Just a quick round up post today, collating all the pictures I’ve taken and shared on my social media platforms of the Hearnkyn Pioneers. Thanks to GW for sending the Leagues of Votann launch set to take a look at.

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Check out my tweet above to see the sheer insanity of painting Hearnkyn Pioneers. Absolutely crazy amount of sub-assemblies. Oh, and this is IMPORTANT; DO NOT glue the rear “wheels” on before fitting the riders. The riders won’t fit if you glue the rear hover doodads on as their long coats get in the way.

In the tweet above you can see where I’m currently up to with this set. I’m working on two more Hearthkyn to finish the squad and then I think I’ll paint the champion model. It’s an amazing box set, really enjoying working on it so far.

My next post will be the Kâhl and I’ve written a painting guide for him, for watch this space.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay