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I’ve used my holiday spare time to get a healthy dose of painting. This is a Plague Wind Mortar team and Spear Clanrat No. 20. Painting the Mortar team is good fun, even though the model is pretty bad and probably the weakest one of the Island of Blood set. The mortar and the poison wind globes are ridiculously big (and not in the cool heroic scale way) while the mortar itself is basically just a very plain tube and just doesn’t feel like whacky Skaven tech. Also the army of the rats wielding it are too thick and long compared to a Clanrat, the tube of the gas masks lead to nowhere and the cloaks are also a bit boring and so on…
Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
I really like the metals. You did a lovely job capturing the greenish oxidation from the copper as well as the rust and bright silver edging. Thanks for sharing your progress on the army, I look forward to seeing more.