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Hello guys, I’ve finished a new unit to add to my Fyreslayers, the Hearthguard Bezerkers!
The Hearthguard Bezerkers are the alternative poses to the Auric Hearthguard I’ve done previously. There are two options of these, these ones are the alternative with broadaxes. They were a really nice unit to paint, I’m really happy with how they came out and also how my army is shaping up and it’s great to play with a nearly fully painted army! Here’s an army shot, minus these guys, of my collection so far!
I’ve got one unit of the alternative Hearthguard Bezerkers, a Battlesmith and another unit of Vulkite Bezerkers with shields to do and that will complete what I’ve bought so far for the Fyreslayers! Then I think it will be onto my Stormcast!
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Hey, great job! I love the effect you got on those beards, the orange and black together looks fantastic. I also love the bases. Too many fyreslayers armies are just done on magma or fire themed bases. GreatJob!
Looking great! What reds did you use for the pinky purple belts/ cloth?
Thank you! It's Khorne Red, Wazdaka Red and Squig Orange 🙂
Simply gorgeous!
They look fantastic!
Those bases are awesome, how did you get the ice effect?
Thank you very much! 🙂
The bases were texture paint made from sand, grey paint and crushed oyster shells from a pet shop. Then drybrushed grey and white, glazed blue, drybrushed White again and then crackle glaze applied for cracks. Then apply Gulliman and Waywatcher glazes in the cracks, drybrush white again and then add gloss on top 🙂
Crushed Oyster Shells!
You really go the extra mile with your work and it shows, as I said before fantastic!