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Hi guys, Lecoqadoodledo back with a miniature I worked on recently between a few other projects I’ve been prepping. I painted this Wight King as a gift for fellow Tale of Painters guest blogger FruitBear, and I’m very happy with how it turned out. I got to try out a couple of new things on this one, and refine some other techniques.

Coming up with the colour scheme for the Wight King was probably the toughest part. I knew from the beginning that I wanted the cloak to be a deep red that would frame the model, so after a bit of thought I decided on colder tones for the rest of the miniature. I made sure to work a few different tones of blue into it, specifically the fabric, gems/flask, tomb blade and gold. The baleful tomb blade was the biggest challenge, as I had no clue how to make it look “baleful”. I took inspiration from the aesthetic of the Draugr and Ancient Nord Weapons from the video game Skyrim for a cold and magical look, as if the blade itself was animated by the fell magic within it.

I had a lot of fun painting the cloak, as I really enjoy painting red. I followed the technique and theory shown in the ‘Eavy Metal Masterclass from last year’s November White Dwarf for weathering and roughing up cloaks and fabric. While I am happy with the results, it’s definitely going to take more practice to get the leathery cracks just right and realistic.

Thanks for reading everyone, happy hobbying!