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Necromunda is finally back! It’s one of my favourite Games Workshop games (I’m not much of a gamer, but this is probably the one I played most during my teenage years), and with it come a host of new miniatures, including new multipart Eschers. These ones here are the classic 90s Jes Goodwin sculpts, there are twenty different ones, and I painted them all. Check out the whole gang after the jump.

I painted these models back in 2012/2013. My skills have evolved since then, but I’m still very fond of the pink, purple, and yellow paint scheme. I brought some of them to Warhammer Fest 2014, and the Golden Demon team took pictures, but unfortunately, they never found their way into a magazine.

Honestly, I think I prefer the classic sculpts over the new plastic kit. I feel those high-heel boots don’t translate well to heroic scale, as they are overly large and distort the models’ proportions from some angles. I also noticed the new models have a lot of new weapon options (a not so subtle way to make you want to get the new kit) – but hopefully all the classic guns and melee weapons are still there for Eschers to use.

These Eschers were also the first time I tried an object-source lighting effect, check out the plasma and power weapons. By the way, the amount of pink hair marks the status within the gang – Juves have only a single pink strand, while Leaders’ and Heavys’ hair is completely pink.

Below is the whole gang in my display cabinet. All in all, I remember it was a really fun project and I feel the the sculpts stood the test of time.

So, old Eschers vs. new Eschers. What do you think? Where are your classic Necromuna paint jobs? Put a link in the comments section!