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Hello everyone, it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted on here. This year has been extremely busy but I’ve still managed to get some painting done. Today’s post will be very different as it’s solely just about bases. I enjoy basing composition and painting a lot as I feel it is really important to the model and should as to the model instead of taking focus away from it.

Both Lecoqadoodledo and I recently purchased the starter box set of Shadespire and were really impressed with the box set. Lecoqadoodledo sent me a photo of not long after of a base he painted from the set which immediately kickstarted me to paint the bases first. As you can see I really tried to emulate the colours on the game board.

This base belongs to Angharad Brightshield, it was the first one I painted an in a sense a trial as well. I base coated the base with Eshin Grey and lined in the recesses with Nuln Oil. After that, I started blending some Dawnstone on the edges of the stone and tile for some slight variations on the bases. These steps are what I did on all three bases. Then it’s just a matter of glazing with the colours of my choice, including Kabalite Green, Ahriman Blue and Screamer Pink. I glazed some area with XV – 88 and lined in the recesses with thinned down Skrag Brown for weathering and finishing off by applying sharp highlights of Adminitratum Grey. The scratches were painted with Adminitratum Grey as well.

With Oberyn the Bold’s base I repeated the same process but glazed with Moot Green as well. The end result was the base had more green tones to it. I really liked the green tone because even though the city of Shadespire is in the realm of death it doesn’t mean it’s only shades of Black, Grey and white there right!

The final base is Severin Steelheart’s. As It turns out I really wanted this base to be green because I added more glazes of Kabalite Green and Moot Green without realising it What has happened is that each base has it’s own colour tone but you know that they are of the same scheme and a uniformity to them.

I really enjoyed painting the bases and I hope you all like them. Now it’s time to move on to the actual models! I’ll catch you all next time!