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First off,  an update of recent events…

It’s been a while since I have done pretty much any hobby. I have defected into the realm of online gaming with my PS4 while my new kitchen was installed. Plus a lack of motivation to pick up a brush due to never having any deadlines to adhere to. Finally,  painting armies has grown tiresome!

So, its 2016, its time to get back in the groove, contribute here more, and do things that I like!

I have a heap of unpainted FW goodies, and thats where I am going to focus my energies. I have set myself new goals to complete these things, and to avoid boredom of painting (armies) etc. Updates and pictures after the jump.

A Mechanicum/Skitarii update. Well these are sidelined. I am no longer attending the February campaign at WHW as planned, as I am going to Barbados scuba diving instead. Tough choices eh?! The positive spin is that I no longer have to tie myself to a new army, as much as I actually want to finish these guys.

To kick off the new year, I am starting a brand new model from start to finish, to be completed before I go on the above mentioned holiday. Thats effectively 4 weeks painting time given some work trips here and there.

The new model is the Mechanicum Knight Atrapos, Forgeworlds latest offering, which my wife generously bought be for my Christmas present.

A good tidy up and clean of my man cave was achieved by layering Mr Muscle polish with a light cloth everywhere, and then heavy handed application of window cleaner to the glass panels that allow light into the room!

As you can see, FW are now packing their new models with nice boxes and lovely instructions which is a joy to see. This style was first seen with the launch of the Warlord Titan, but is now in the smaller kits.

After having a quick scan through the manual (I am quite familiar with Knight builds after all), it was time to trim the resin parts to a base standard, bin the offcuts and check everything was present and correct.

And thats where I leave you at this point. Major injection gates removed, its time for fine sanding, filing and scraping of mould lines before working on the leg assembly into some kind of super dynamic pose.

Happy hobby 2016!