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Next up are tje classic Necromunda buildings made out of cardboard and plastic bulkheads. I loved the look of those buildings back then and the artwork stood the test of time. I always wanted to own a set of these, and thanks to ebay and facebook groups I now have a whole set of Necromunda and Outlaws buildings plus a couple of spare pieces. The aim, for now, is to paint a complete Necromunda and Outlaw set and combine them with my “modern” terrain sets. I started with the largest building from the Necromunda set, made up of 12 bulkheads. Check out another picture after the jump.

As you can see, I painted the bulkheads to match my other buildings, and I feel they suit the style of the STC Ryza Pattern Ruins well. I also went the extra mile and painted the edges of the cardboard pieces in matching colours.

Do you have fond memories of the Necromunda buildings, too? How do you like my take on these classic cardboard constructs? Leave a comment or reaction below!