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Here we have the assembled Silver Skulls Kill Team. Bases will be painted seperately, so I mounted these on plain 32mm bases for painting. I’m not completely sure about the pose of the Sergeant, maybe I’ll try a more downward stretched arm for the power sword. Check out more pictures, including more angles of my Reiver test model.

Assembling Primaris models was a quite different experience from assembling old-school Marines. The level of attention they put into creating these models is stunning. Updated, more natural proportions, very natural poses with armour plates and undersuits flexing to the movement, pouches and accessoires that you can put on the belts in a natural way, and much more.

However, I also noticed assembling is much more limited. Torsos and legs are connected, a lot of arms lock in specific positions and/or are meant for certain bodies. GW giveth and GW taketh I guess… what do you think about my Kill Team? And who would like to see a tutorial for my Silver Skulls paint scheme?