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Hi all! Here you can see my latest addition to my Knight House “Teldor”: an Armiger Knight Helverin with a Teldorian Noble and his brave dog.
For the Noble I took the “Officer of the Fleet” from the (OOP) Imperial Regimental Advisor group. You may remember this set, consisting of the above mentioned Officer, a Navigator and an Artillery Officer. For the dog I used Aximillion from the Rogue Trader Kill Team boxed set. The Knight Household is still expanding, waiting for a Knight Valiant to be completed…
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Banzai1000 is a hobbyist from Germany with over 15 years of experience, and a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine. He is known for his masterful conversions and loves to come up with spectacular Armies on Parade entries every year. So far he scored five Armies on Parade gold medals, as well as three Golden Demon finalist pins.
Lovely totally not Emperors Children Loyal Armiger… 😉 Nice Doggo too. Did you convert the hips at all to reposition the stance?
Thx! Yes i converted the hips a little bit by cutting off the stops.
Such a lovely paint scheme. Excellent brush work mate.
Thx mate!….
Sweet! Great use of the dog…
Thx, fun to paint….