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This model is pretty cool because I bought him in Warhammer World last month. I hadn’t been to Warhammer World for a couple of years and it’s so good. We spent a good couple of hours in the exhibition area and had lunch in Bugman’s and in the evening we played Blackstone Fortress. It was surreal to play in Bugman’s with Phil Kelly walking around, Jes Goodwin sat two tables away from us and even Dan Harden of White Dwarf fame was in there playing Blood Bowl. Honestly, it was amazing. I want to go back now! Oh well, best crack on and finish this model. Let me know in the comments your Warhammer World stories.

Search ebay for Garfy’s Get a Grip ( link – if your Country isn’t shown here don’t worry, just search in your eBay. I post worldwide and dispatch same day.

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay