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It’s the final month. On the 29th of October we’re going to announce the winner of the reader submissions. It’s over to you guys today as we share your teams who have been using #taleoftuesdays and/or #paintyourgames on social media. Find out how you can win a new Blood Bowl team after the jump.

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Had an awesome time at the #nafworldcup despite some organisational issues. Thanks to all the organisers for their hard work and getting things back under control. The Titans did me proud with a 5/2/2 win/draw/loss record. As a squad (BriBBe – Brighton Blood Bowl league) we faired less well (1/1/7) but enjoyed all of our games. Also learnt a lot to set me up for the coming league season! (Now I need to paint a couple more catchers…) #elfunion #bloodbowl #bloodbowlteams #paintingwarhammer #paintyourgames #taleoftuesdays #taleofpainters #gamesworkshop #nafwc4 #dornbirn #elf #paintingwarhammer #TiranocTitans

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Another three wood elves done for #taleoftuesdays See more on my blog, link in bio. #bloodbowl #bloodbowlteams #paintingwarhammer #miniatures #gamesworkshop #woodelves #elves #sylvaneth #boardgamesofinstagram #warmongers

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Some better shots of the finished Tiranoc Titans, all set for the World Cup in a couple of weeks. #nafwc4 #nafworldcup #paintingwarhammer #paintyourgames #taleoftuesdays #taleofpainters #bloodbowl #bloodbowlteams #paintingminiatures

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#nafwc4 #nafworldcup Game 1 Vs Humans (kick off delayed by overcrowding…) #bloodbowl #bloodbowlteams #gamesworkshop #taleoftuesdays #taleofpainters #paintyourgames #paintingwarhammer #miniaturepainting

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Dinos #journey of the #Maulers continues. More #BloodBowl #goodness #taleoftuesdays #taleofpainters #paintyourgames #paintmoreminis #citadel #gamesworkshop #fantasyfootball #orks

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What’s that, you want to get involved? 

You can join us on the pitch by sharing your Bloodbowl work on social media platforms (twitter, Instagram or facebook) using the hashtags:

#taleoftuesdays #taleofpainters #paintyourgames

Make sure your account is public (in case of facebook, set your #taleoftuesdays posts to public).

We want to engage with all our fellow coaches, so we’ll have an eye on these hashtags and stop by for comments and criticism. Every now and then we also feature your finished players here on Tale of Painters.

From all of your teams that were painted during Tale of Tuesdays, we pick our favourite team to win a Wayland Games or Element Games voucher to the amount of a plastic Blood Bowl team box so you can start painting another team right away. You have until the 28th October to get your team painted. We’ll announce the winner on the 29th

We hope to see a lot of cool Blood Bowl teams painted! Until next Tuesday…