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Welcome sports fans to my first outing for Tale of Tuesdays! I’ve hit my monthly deadline by completing the first three models. After the jump I’ll talk about why I choose these three models to paint first and I’ll reveal my team name!

Firstly, if you’re new here or don’t understand what Tale of Tuesdays is, it’s a weekly post on this blog where four contributors take it in turns to share their progress painting a small group of models. In this instance it is painting three BloodBowl players each month. This post kicks off the event and for the next three weeks one of my fellow painting chums will be along to each share their progress. Then we return for month two and repeat. At the end of four months, all four painters will have their own completed team. Want to join in? Check out the end of this post. 

Running out onto the pitch for the first time are (from left to right) a Rotter, a Bloater and a Pestigor. This is my first time ever painting a BloodBowl team and I had a blast coming up with a scheme and painting these (p)athletic warriors.

The Nurgle team is slightly different from a traditional Human Bloodbowl team in the way that it doesn’t have linemen, throwers, catchers or blitzers. The Rotters are like linemen, Bloaters are the blockers and the Pestigor are like the runners. I’m pretty new to this, so not even entirely sure I’ve got that right. 

This view will be what I’ll typically see when I get to play with this team. Either that or them all laying down.

So because the team only has three unit types I thought it made sense to paint one of each kind for the first month of Tale of Tuesdays. The Rotter and Bloater have the identical paint scheme, but the Pestigor’s skin was painted slightly warmer. It’s still rotten and decomposed, but it hints at the creature being a different skin hue to his teammates

Now for the big reveal, the team name, drum roll, please. My team is called the Deep Sick Divers.  The brass helmets, sea green fabrics and waterlogged rotten flesh colours have a nautical feel to them. I like the use of the word ‘divers’ in the team name. I get the feeling they’ll be on the floor appealing to the referee for a foul decision a lot. 

I’m going to share a painting tutorial for the Bloater soon, so be sure to check back regularly. 

You can join us on the pitch by sharing your work on social media platforms (twitter, Instagram or facebook) using the hashtags:

#taleoftuesdays #taleofpainters #paintyourgames

Make sure your account is public (in case of facebook, set your #taleoftuesdays posts to public).

We want to engage with all our fellow coaches, so we’ll have an eye on these hashtags and stop by for comments and criticism. Every now and then we also feature your finished players here on Tale of Painters.

From all of your teams that were painted during Tale of Tuesdays, we pick our favourite team to win a Wayland Games or Element Games voucher to the amount of a plastic Blood Bowl team box so you can start painting another team right away.

We hope to see a lot of cool Blood Bowl teams painted! Until next Tuesday…

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