As they stalked their prey through the midnight mists, the Plains Runners felt the weight of responsibility on their shoulders. They had to prove themselves to the Heart Eater by returning with a clutch of Raptoryx eggs for their Beast Talker to hand-rear. Drak muttered his annoyance about being up so high, Ancrax who led the group, shushed him to be quiet. They were close to the nest now. He could smell their prey’s scent on the wind. Hunkering down they slowly crept across a make-shift wooden bridge, their combined weight forcing the beams to creak under the strain. All of a sudden they heard a high pitch squawk. Bringing up the rear; Sophak quickly spun round and saw movement in the fog, her sudden reaction rocking the bridge. In a split second the Raptoryx was upon them. Drak watched Ancrax fall from the bridge and disappear in the gloom. He could hear Sophak screaming as she was dragged away alive in the claws of the murderous beasts. Drax, swinging his bone clubs hoping to connect with something in the mists thought to himself “the hunters have become the hunted” as sharp talons plunged into his back. More pics after the jump.
I’m not much of a creative writer, but that first picture I took really captured my imagination so I thought I’d introduce my Showcase post with a little story to go with the picture.
The Raptoryx are wild beasts from the Warcry box set. The best description I’ve heard to describe them is “murder chickens”. They don’t have the fly ability so are essentially chickens. I really like these models, they remind me of modern interpretations of Dinosaurs with frills, beaks and feathers. Would these look out of place in a Seraphon army?
Completing these six models brings me closer to completing the Warcry Starter Boxset. I just have five Furies left to paint and then I might add some of the alternative builds to my Iron Golems, maybe a second Drill Master and Ogor Breacher.
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Nice story to match the very atmospheric photo. ????