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I picked up Warcry: Monsters and Mercenaries last weekend. It’s a great little book for £15 packed with new Campaign Quest rules, and rules for adding characters and Chaotic Beasts and Gargantuan Creatures to your game. As soon as I saw the Slaughterpriest in the book I dived into my stack of grey sprues and pulled out the White Dwarf free model from a few years ago. More after the jump. 

The campaign I’m playing with Iron Golems has seen me finally dominate a territory which means I can add an ally to my force. At just over 200pts he’s a huge points sink so I really need to dominate that second territory soon to increase my points allowance.  

One thing I’ve struggled with in my campaign is grabbing objectives and treasure. Playing against the Untamed Beasts and Gloomspite Gitz you notice how slow the Iron Golems are. The Slaughterpriest is the same speed as his new comrades but he has a really handy ability called Bloodbind [Triple]. Which allows him to pull models within 14″ towards him a number of inches equal to the ability dice. That will help with models trying to run away with treasure or sat on an objective. Try hiding in the bell tower now! 

The Slaughterpriest is huge. Truly a worthy champion on his way to Daemonhood. Taller than an Ogor Breacher and with more wounds he’s an impressive addition to the Warband.

My next plan is to conquer one more territory so I have enough stake to attempt a Challenge Battle. Defeating one of these Gargants will allow me to add them to my Warband. I’m undecided on what to add. I like the fact the Chimera has his own cards in his box but the model isn’t doing it for me. The Chaos Gargant (Giant) is pretty cool and could look amazing painted like an Iron Golem. Exciting times!

Garfy's Get a Grip - now available on ebay