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Hey everyone, Silvernome here back with some Blood Bowl goodness! Not to be outdone by the rest of the ToP crew, I’ve been working on an Orc team for an upcoming league with the Brookhammercrew, just in the time for the grand finale of the #taleoftuesdays challenge!

One of the guys in my crew had the team just collecting dust and was nice enough to share it. How could I resist a free team, let alone Orcs?! In 40k, I have a rather large army but I’ve devoted their scheme to all things Goff. I’ve always wanted to give yellow a try and thought this would be a perfect chance so I dialled in on a Bad Moons inspired team. It also meant I could leverage some 40k bits and get myself the goblin Blood Bowl team dice which were moon themed as well. I also used the chance to try to build upon my Orc skin recipe from my 40k models, trying to brighten up the green just a bit and add other details to the faces/lips.

So this is just the start of my Blood Bowl team. After getting a few games in with them I definitely want to get more Blitzers (they are amazing). I also picked up a Troll and a goblin to see if I can have fun with them, switch up the gameplay style a bit.

I’ve also started to create video showcases, taking a closer look at my finished models. You can take a 4K look at the team over on my Youtube channel.

If you like this model and want to see more, you can check out my site or follow my gaming group’s Instagram