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#taleoftuesdays Warhammer Underworld edition has concluded. In this post, we’ll check out the fantastic entries from the talented painters that joined us on our quest to paint two warbands in four months, and crown the worthy victor to receive a free warband box set. Find out more after the jump.

We’ll start part 2 of our community showcase with this creepy Grymwatch by rad.ickle_painter:

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Richard Davis (@rad.ickle_painter) am

Painting machine seb.jeziorski is back with two more warbands, for a total of FIVE warbands painted over the course of our #taleoftuesdays project (check part 1 of our showcase for his other two warbands):

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Sebastian Jeziórski (@seb.jeziorski) am

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Sebastian Jeziórski (@seb.jeziorski) am

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Sebastian Jeziórski (@seb.jeziorski) am

And we have these sweet (but grumpy) Profiteers by gawfang:

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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Gavin Beardsmore (@gawfang) am

On Twitter we have Ironkull’s Boyz by Derek J, who just started painting 1,5 years ago. Keep it up, buddy!

TheSlowestPainter made a promising start on Stormsire’s Cursebreakers, but then lived up to his name and couldn’t finish his warband in time. Sad story, but I’m sure we all want to see where this is going!

Make sure to check out part 1 of our community showcase post here, for four more brilliant warbands from our community to admire.

Commended Hobbyists

The judges had a split decision, so we decided we would commend two of our favourites.

gawfang – Commended Hobbyist 

gawfang followed along with our challenge and painted two warbands to a very high standard. We especially like how he used purple as a spot colour to unify Mollog and all his little critters.

seb.jeziorski – Commended Hobbyist

Hobby machine seb painted five warbands in four months while we only painted two (or three, in Garfy’s case). Bow down for this monumental effort. Enjoy your gaming, pal!

The Winner

And now the part we all waited for. Our favourite community entry is…

… rad.ickle_painter‘s Grymwatch. We love his spin on this warband, the grey ghoulish skin with splashes of purple and red to spice things up. Congratulations, we’ll get in touch to arrange your prize of a warbands box set of your choice.

And that was #taleoftuesdays Underworld edition. Come back for next Tuesday for a gallery of all the nine warbands the Tale of Painters crew has painted. 

What was your favourite community warband? Leave a comment below!