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The final pieces to complete my terrain collection: Two Imperial brass statues from the Sector Imperialis range. I really liked those models when they were released, and when they were included in the Sector Sanctoris Killzone, I didn’t miss the chance to pick up a box. Check out more pictures of my Sector Imperialis statues after the jump.

I airbrushed the statues with VGC Brassy Brass, washed them with a 2:1 mix of Nuln Oil Gloss and Agrax Earthshade Gloss, applied The Army Painter Wizards Orb mixed with Contrast Medium and Nihilakh Oxide for the verdigris, then drybrushed with Runelord Brass.

By now I have quite a few terrain pieces in a matching brass paint scheme. They will be perfect to add some old Imperial glory to my battlefields and photography.

I’ve completed my full backlog of 40k / Kill Team and classic Necromunda terrain, enough to fill a complete gaming table or several different Killzone setups. I started the first lot of terrain in November 2018, with the second lot at the end of 2019. I’ll do a group shot once I get around. Can you believe it?

My next terrain project will be some Warcry ruins, but this might be a couple of months off. For now, I want to paint some more Nighthaunt to have enough variety for a decent sized Warcry warband, so stay tuned.

How do you like my brass and black paint scheme? Leave your comment or reaction below!