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Only a few more Ultramarine models left in my collection to rework. This is a classic “Castaferrum” Dreadnought with Assault Cannon, Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon and Storm Bolter. This model was originally painted around 2008, then I changed a few things in 2014. For this second and hopefully final rework of this paint job I put in a bit more effort. Check out before and after – after the jump.

Here you can see the original model. Colours are a bit off because of a different camera setup back then. As you can see I not only made a new base with bits from the Sector Imperialis Large Base Detailing kit but also repainted, re-highlighted and re-weathered the blue armour, changed and refined a couple of details such as the wires and cables around the Sarcophagus. And, of course, made the insignia more consistent with my other Ultramarines vehicles.

I still like the design of the original “boxy” Dreadnought the most. How do you like my rendition, and what is your favourite Dreadnought design? Share your opinion in the comments section below, I would love to find out.