Here are the latest five models for my growing Goliath Gang for Necromunda, including a mix of modern plastic sculpts, resin Forge World upgrade parts and even some classic metal Juves. These were a blast to paint and don’t look that out of place with a modern paint job, I feel. Check out more pictures after the jump, and a complete list of all the paint recipes I used for painting these models.
Don’t forget to check out the first half of my Goliath Gang. With this batch of five, I’ve painted ten models by now, so I’ve got a quite sizeable gang. The old Juve sculpts add a differenty type of model to my collection, something I really like in Warcry, where each warband has a lot of different silhouettes and height levels.
Painting-wise, I started with a Leadbelcher basecoat, then painted the base, and washed and drybrushed all the metal areas. Then, I carefully painted all the details around the metal parts. This was a very efficient way to get all the metal details done in no time, and I like doing all the drybrushing first so I don’t hit any painted areas with stray pigments later on.
Paint Recipes:
Primer: Leadbelcher Spray
Basecoat: VMechaC Dark Steel (a thin coat to even out the finish of the primer and paint where the primer didn’t reach the model)
Basecoat: Mechanicus Standard Grey (texture, Administratum Grey (stones and rubble)
Wash: Mix of TAP Dark Tone / Strong Tone Ink 1:1 (plus a little bit of Contrast Medium, do not let the wash pool)
Drybrush: Dawnstone (texture)
Drybrush: VGC Stonewall Grey (stones)
Drybrush: Longbeard Grey (stones)
Ammo casings: VGC Brassy Brass, wash with TAP Dark Tone Ink, highlight with VMechaC Steel
Rim: VMC Black
Wash: Mix of TAP Dark Tone Ink / Nuln Oil Gloss 1:1
Wash: Agrax Earthshade Gloss
Selective Wash: Wyldwood
Drybrush: VMechaC Light Steel
Black Metal
Basecoat: Mix of Iron Warriors / VMC Black 1:1
Wash: Mix of TAP Dark Tone Ink / Nuln Oil Gloss 1:1
Highlight: Iron Warriors
Edge Highlight: VMechaC Dark Steel
Dark Skin 1
Basecoat: Bloodreaver Flesh
2x Wash: Mix of TAP Strong Tone Ink / Lahmian Medium 3:2
Layer: Bloodreaver Flesh, mix of Bloodreaver Flesh with Catachan Flesh to smooth the transitions
Highlight: Knight-Questor Flesh (only face and knuckles)
Highlight: Knight-Questor Flesh / Tallarn Flesh 1:1 (only face and knuckles)
Dark Skin 2
Basecoat: Knight-Questor Flesh
2x Wash: Mix of Agrax Earthshade / Lahmian Medium 3:2
Layer: Knight-Questor Flesh, mix of Knight-Questor Flesh and Bloodreaver FLesh to smooth the transitions
Highlight: Knight-Questor Flesh / Tallarn Flesh 1:1 (only face and knuckles)
Highlight: Tallarn Flesh (only face and knuckles)
Medium Skin
Basecoat: Mix of Knight-Questor Flesh / Tanned Flesh 3:2
Wash: Darkoath Skin / Lahmian Medium 3:1
Wash: Agrax Earthshade / Contrast Medium 3:2
Layer: Mix of Knight-Questor Flesh / Tanned Flesh 3:2
Highlight: Tallarn Flesh 1:1 (only face and knuckles)
Highlight: Tallarn Flesh / RMS Tanned Highlight 1:1 (only face and knuckles)
Light Skin
Basecoat: Tallarn Flesh
Wash: Reikland Fleshshade
Layer: Tallarn Flesh, mix of Tallarn Flesh with a bit of Bugman’s Glow to smooth the gradients
Highlight: Tallarn Flesh / RMS Tanned Highlight 1:1 (only face and knuckles)
Highlight: RMS Tanned Highlight (only face and knuckles)
Basecoat: VMC Black
Highlight: VMC White (two white dots in each corner)
Dark Red Trousers
Basecoat: Khorne Red
Wash: Mix of TAP Dark Tone Ink / Lahmian Medium 1:1
Highlight: Khorne Red (only where needed)
Highlight: Mephiston Red
Red Trousers
Basecoat: Mephiston Red
Wash: Carroburg Crimson
Highlight: Mephiston Red
Highlight: Evil Sunz Scarlet
Black Leather
Basecoat: VMC Black
Highlight: Skavenblight Dinge
Edge highlight: Dawnstone
Orange Mohawks
Basecoat: Corax White
2x Wash: Gryph-Hound Orange
Highlight: Jokaero Orange
Red Mohawks
Basecoat: Corax White
2x Wash: Blood Angels Red
Highlight: Wild Rider Red
Red Weapon Casings
Basecoat: Mephiston Red
Selective Shading: Cygor Brown
Highlight: Evil Sunz Scarlet
Edge highlight: Jokaero Orange
Green stimm-vials and -pipes
Basecoat: OOP Orkhide Shade
Layer: VGC Sick Green
Highlight: Mix of VGC Sick Green / Army Painter D&D Dung Green
Highlight: Army Painter D&D Dung Green
Brass details
Basecoat: Gore-grunta Fur (over Leadbelcher / VMechaC Dark Steel)
Highlight: GSW Steampunk Copper
Rubber tubes
Wash: VGC Black Ink
Wash: TAP Dark Tone Ink
Orange cables
Basecoat: OOP Macharius Solar Orange
Glaze: Gore-grunta Fur
Highlight: Jokaero Orange
Abbreviations: OOP = old Citadel paint range (out of production), VGC = Vallejo Game Color, VMC = Vallejo Model Color, VMechaC = Vallejo Mecha Color, P3 = Privateer Press Formula P3, TAP = The Army Painter Warpaints, RMS = Reaper Master Series, GSW = Greenstuff World, S75 = Scale 75 Scale Color
I’ll take a break from painting Goliath models for a while, but the next additions will definitely be a Prospect and a Stimmer, so there’ll be even more model variety in my gang. Stay tuned!
Hope you enjoy the latest additions to my Goliath gang and found my paint recipes useful for your own projects. Sound off below and leave a comment or reaction.
Very nice! Good to see a demonstration of the new citadel fleshtones, thanks for the writeup.