This site contains affiliate links you can use to support Tale of Painters. As Amazon Associates, eBay partners, and partners of our partner shops we earn from qualifying purchases. Thanks :)

Tale of Painters is a blog FOR hobbyists run BY hobbyists in our spare time. We’re blogging since 2011 without a break and bring you model showcases, reviews and tutorials on an almost daily basis.

You might have noticed in the last couple of weeks that we brought you tutorials, tips, and reviews like never before. All in preparation for our new website, and we plan to keep it up! Soon, we’ll upgrade Tale of Painters to a new website we’ve been working on for a couple of months now. We will migrate from Blogger to WordPress on our own dedicated webspace. That means new powerful features, easier and more comfortable navigation, and a modernised design.

But to make it all come true we need your help. Hosting the blog by ourselves means monthly recurring costs, and we need to buy all the required WordPress templates and plugins, which will be about 200 Euro alone (not to say the endless hours of work that will be put into the new website). 

Therefore, Stahly started a Patreon account, where you can support our costs with a small monthly membership fee we’ll use to grow Tale of Painters. As a thank you, you’ll get access to exclusive desktop wallpapers, sneak peeks, Patreon shoutouts and, optionally, regular WIP updates straight from Stahly’s paint station. If you don’t have a Patreon account, you can send us a donation with Paypal or buy us a coffee on Ko-fiSo far we got two fantastic patrons, Chris and chaoticflanagan, it would be great if we could find a total of ten patrons to cover our monthly costs, so give yourself a start if you like our content 😉

Also, you could order your next hobby purchases at Wayland Games or Element Games. Both offer fantastic discounts on GW products and free shipping to the UK and all of Europe. Use our affiliate links and we’ll get a small kickback. A great way to support Tale of Painters with no extra costs to you at all!

We hope you all stay safe in these times. Your support means the world to us, and we are excited to share the exciting hobby future for Tale of Painters with you soon!